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9th Age Tournament by East Coast Warriors


Dust off your old Warhammer Fantasy Battles army and get your rank-and-file fantasy battles action on!The Ninth Age is the FREE community-driven ruleset for Fantasy battles, designed for balanced tournament play. It's based on WHFB 8th Ed, but not tied to any company, so use whatever minis you want to represent your army. Get the rules here: > downloadsThis is a one-day informal tournament of 3 rounds.
-4500pt armies (similar to 2250pts in Warhammer 8th)
-Proxies and unpainted minis allowed, as long as units are clearly and easily distinguishable
-We'll be using the standard battle points system in the T9A rulebook
-Prizes for first place, and if we have the max of 8 players then there will be a 2nd place prize as well
-5 points for having a fully painted and based army (3 colour standard, base with texture).
-5 point penalty if your army is not fully set up and ready to deploy when the start time for a round is called.
-Bring 3 PRINTED copies of your army list, OR send PDF or text file to Bing Cheah 24 hours in advance if you need him to print for youSchedule
9am -- Arrive, hand in army list, announce pairings, set up armies
9:30-12:30 -- Round 1
12:30-1:15 -- Lunch break
1:15-4:15 -- Round 2
4:30-7:30 -- Round 3
7:30-8:00 -- Results, Prize(s), clear up