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9th Age Army Lab III

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Calling all Fantasy generals! Dust off that Warhammer army and play them with 9th Age's free ruleset.

The Ninth Age is the FREE community-driven ruleset for Fantasy battles, designed for balanced tournament play. It's not tied to any company, so use whatever minis you want to represent your army.Get the rules here: > downloads

Draft up a 4500pt list (similar to a 2500pt Warhamer 8th Ed list). Feel free to use proxies!

First game at 11am, second game at 2pm. Come for either or both!

Let Bing know which timeslot(s) you want to play, and if you’d like an intro game, or if you’d just like to borrow an army to play. You can find him as Bing on our Slack, or Bing Cheah at gmail on email.

Get the rules here: