Welcome to the NYC Netrunner Standard Circuit Opener tournament. This is a casual level tournament in the Standard format, however, winning this will win you some prizes including exclusive alt art cards, playmats, and an invitational to the Circuit Breaker event for the first place player.
Registration: 10:30 am
First round: 11:00 am
We will be running this tournament as Single Sided Swiss. 35 minute rounds, one randomized side (corp or runner) against each opponent. Break for lunch after 3 rounds. 8 rounds, cut to top 4 if more than 16 players.
Prizes shown here: https://nisei.net/blog/announcing-the-2022-circuit-openers/
All NYC Netrunner events adhere to the NISEI Code of Conduct: https://nisei.net/about/code-of-conduct