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The Semi-Annual Carcosa Magic Limited League : Schtolteheim Reinbach IV Inagural

The Carcosa Limited league is a friendly Magic: The Gathering play group that meets once a week for eight weeks. This edition of the Limited League will be focused on the Ravnica block and is named after our benefactor who is DONATING 6 boxes of olf magic product. We are very fortunate to have such generous members. All Hail Carcosa and our shadowy cabal who bless us with this community.

Format :
1. There will be 2 sealed events through the period, one to kick off the league and another halfway through to introduce a suite of new cards to the pools.
2. After every event except meeting 4 and 8 there will be new packs issued to each player.
3. You are allowed to trade cards from only your pool with other members of the league.
3.a. Please remember this is a friendly league and we do not try to ‘fleece’ our fellow members.
3.b. In the past some trades have created super decks leading to unfun play patterns. As such the commissioner of the league is empowered to review trades and have a discussion with both parties if a trade is deemed noncompetitive.
3.b.i This power will hopefully never be invoked, but it is possible.
3.b.ii Magic is at its heart a competitive game and it’s possible that through no fault of their own a player may build a ‘wombo-combo get rekt nerd’ deck. This is life, sometimes you get the nuts. If this happens, we’ll look to the next league to build your own deck of death.
4. Weeks 4 and 8 will have no additional cards added, these weeks are there to fine tune decks and should yield the most competitive matches.
5. At 40 cards you are not subject to the max 4 of non basic land cards, at 60 cards you are.
6. Schedule :

Week 1 : 40 card : Return To Ravnica Sealed - 6 packs + 3 RTR
Week 2 : 60 card constructed + 3 packs of DGM
Week 3 : 60 card constructed + 3 packs of DGM
Week 4 : 60 card constructed (no new packs)
Week 5 : 40 card Gate Crashers Sealed
Week 6 : 60 card constructed + 1 RTR + 1 DGM +1 GTC
Week 7 : 60 card constructed + 1 RTR + 1 DGM +1 GTC
Week 8 : 60 card constructed

7. Scoring : Scoring combines both match wins an attendance. There is a weighted algorithm (a fancy excel function!) that produces a score combining these factors, it is always better to win, but showing up counts.
7.a. If you cannot make an event you may schedule games outside the weekly cadence but will not receive the attendance bonus.
7.a.i. At its hear this league is meant for community and fun, so while we will offer games outside the weekly meeting, I encourage everyone to attend as many events in person as possible.
7.b. If you play a match outside of the weekly event please message me on discord and I will update the score sheet accordingly.
7.c You may play your matches with opponents who have already played 3.
7.d If you have played your 3 matches any additional matches will not count for your standing regardless of wins or losses, however you will receive additional score incentives for playing. These will be handled by the shadowy algorithm.